
Gcovr is available as a Python package that can be installed via pip.

Install newest stable gcovr release from PyPI:

pip install gcovr

Install development version from GitHub:

pip install git+

Which environments does gcovr support?


2.7 and 3.5+.

The automated tests run on CPython 2.7, 3.5, and 3.7, and PyPy 2.7 and 3.5.

Starting in 2020, gcovr will only run on Python versions with upstream support.

Last gcovr release for old Python versions:

Python gcovr
2.6 3.4
3.4 4.1
Operating System:

Linux, Windows, and macOS.

The automated tests run on Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows Server 2012.


GCC and Clang.

The automated tests run on GCC 5.