
This section contains how-to guides on creating code coverage reports for various purposes. For an introduction on using gcovr, see the User Guide instead.

Recipes in the cookbook:

How to collect coverage for C extensions in Python

Collecting code coverage data on the C code that makes up a Python extension module is not quite as straightforward as with a regular C program.

As with a normal C project, we have to compile our code with coverage instrumentation. Here, we export CFLAGS="--coverage" and then run python3 build_ext.

Unfortunately, build_ext can rebuild a source file even if the current object file is up to date. If multiple extension modules share the same source code file, gcov will get confused by the different timestamps and report inaccurate coverage. It is nontrivial to adapt the build_ext process to avoid this.

Instead, we can use the ccache utility to make the compilation lazy (works best on Unix systems). Before we invoke the build_ext step, we first export CC="ccache gcc". Ccache works well but isn’t absolutely perfect, see the ccache manual for caveats.

A shell session might look like this:

# Set required env vars
export CFLAGS="--coverage"
export CC="ccache gcc"

# clear out build files so we get a fresh compile
rm -rf build/temp.*  # contains old .gcda, .gcno files
rm -rf build/lib.*

# rebuild extensions
python3 build_ext --inplace  # possibly --force

# run test command i.e. pytest

# run gcovr
rm -rf coverage; mkdir coverage
gcovr --filter src/ --txt-summary --html-details coverage/index.html

Out-of-Source Builds with CMake

Tools such as cmake encourage the use of out-of-source builds, where the code is compiled in a directory other than the one which contains the sources. This is an extra complication for gcov. In order to pass the correct compiler and linker flags, the following commands need to be in CMakeLists.txt:

# This flags are used if cmake is called with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=PROFILE
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_PROFILE --coverage)

add_executable(program example.cpp)

The --coverage compiler flag is an alternative to -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage for recent version of gcc. In versions 3.13 and later of cmake, the target_link_libraries command can be removed and add_link_options("--coverage") added after the add_compile_options command.

We then follow a normal cmake build process:

make VERBOSE=1

and run the program:


However, invocation of gcovr itself has to change. The assorted .gcno and .gcda files will appear under the CMakeFiles directory in BLD_DIR, rather than next to the sources. Since gcovr requires both, the command we need to run is:

gcovr -r $SRC_DIR .

Support of Keil uVision format

As mentioned in comment of issue 697 the format of gcov file generated by the Keil uVision compiler is not compatible with the gcov specification. To support coverage data generated by this compiler you have to create the gcov files as documented in Keil uVision documentation and process them before running gcov to get the correct format.

Save the following Sed script as fix-gcov.sed:

# fix markers for uncovered code:
# match any of #=%$ repeated 6 times

# fix branch tags
/^branch/ {
  s/executed 0/never executed/
  s/executed .*/taken 1/
  s/skipped .*/never executed/

Then, apply this Sed script to all gcov files before invoking gcovr:

find . -name '*.gcov' -exec sed -i -f fix-gcov.sed {} \;
gcovr --gcov-use-existing-files


Untested because we have no access to Keil uVision compiler

How to create a standalone application

To create a standalone application you need to install the test suite (see Test suite). In this test suite you can build a standalone executable with the command python3 -m nox --session bundle_app. The command creates the application build/gcovr and calls the executable whith each format to check if it’s working correct.